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Haiwell introduced a new compact smart intelligent Gateway

2015-07-27 10:04:50 haiwell 644

Product picture


Product introduction 

H01TCP-4  is a powerful gateway of hardware protocol, it can transform various protocols of the slave device into standard Modbus RTU protocol or Modbus TCP protocol.  

Convenient  for multiple protocols working in one network and convenient in monitoring equipments   

Mainly used in the site which uses Non-Ethernet equipments, in which the PC uses Ethernet. 

Product feature

  • Support transforming different protocols into standard Modbus TCP protocol or Modbus RTU protocol simultaneously

  • Support multiple upper PC clients access the gateway to monitor the equipments simultaneously

  • Using Use address mapping mode in order to realize the rapid response to the TCP client request

  • Built-in WEB server, the user can use the browser to view real-time state of communication and the change of the data, convenient for debugging on site

  • Support analog linear transformation, fetch bit, high and low byte exchange, etc

  • 2 Ethernet ports, 4 isolated RS485 communication port

  • SupportS the following conversion agreement for the time being


